Mũborak Ta’r Yem Safar, Sad Mũborak Ta’r Yem Safar!
May You Be Blessed With Your Travel
By Fazal Amin Beg
Ye z̃hũ spreg̃hi ambar, wost mũborak t’ar yem safar
Lekertet sake bisar, reg̃hdit k̃hat tu Khũdhoy-e bar
O’ my embar flower, may you be blessed in your travel,
You left us as headless, (and) departed yourself towards God.
Ti chũvak vit dẽ Kũnjudh-e nungi tabib-v-e khondon
Pũs̃ht dar pũs̃ht kertev darmon, g̃hat dẽ tow yem ilm et hũnar
Your birth was in Hunza in the renowned family of healers;
Generation by generation, they healed people, (and) the (indigenous) knowledge and skill transferred to you.
Mũtket vit tu dem hikmat ki g̃hatit tu da k̃hũ yoshig̃h
Kas nokas’ver ti tabigig̃hes̃h okhir kert ce asar
Your learned and started practice of this wisdom, when you reached your youth;
To the patients of various backgrounds, your healing (of bones and joints) was ultimately very effective.
Hũmũyd tirichig̃h-e dawr yoy hũmũyd yem dawr-e zamon
Misl-e Hakim Luqmon, viti’t kũl jay tu ce nomuwar
Whether it was the era of darkness, or the present time;
Like the Wise Luqman, you became famous every where.
Ti khun et gũli Gũlmit, vite shafokhona dem watan
Shafoyobev vit har tan, hũmũyd inson yoy ya jonwar
Your house and Gulmit (your village) stood like a hospital in your homeland;
Everybody came under your treatment, whether a human or an animal.
S̃har ba s̃hari baf haspitol, yashch-e baf tabibisht arzon
Ki resn ũmid-e darmon, vitit tu ũmid-e sahar
We have good hospitals in each city, furnished with excellent bone specialists;
But when hopelessness in treatment occurred, you became ray of hope for them.
Vitiv bipũdhisht pudhin, madhen c̃hokusht woz ce madhin
Gok̃htet bidhast’ev dhastin, yashchev s̃hastin woz bor owar ,
Those walking lamely, became normal walkers; those impaired of their back joints or bones, retained their normal back;
Those impaired of their hands/arms, you made them refunctioning; you capacitated the impaired bones and brought them in use again.
Shekheste cũbũr wist-e shadh bahorisht dẽ ti zindagig̃h
Bilũm nochorver dorgig̃h, kertet tru-wist sol en sẽk sar
Eighty six springs elapsed in your life; elapse
For more than sixty years, you treated the weak and helpless.
Bu-wist hazoren sẽk sar khalgvet jũr ce kert dem jahon
Razokor yark z̃eng garon, tow yem kert z̃hũ kuh-e ambar
You treated more than forty thousand people free of cost in this world;
Such voluntary work is very difficult, but you did it, my mountain ember.
Mehmondorig̃h-e rẽwes̃h, tu qiti dem ti tabibig̃h
Car’nes̃h har kuy mindorig̃h, yeme ti rec̃hnen cebas ta’r
The characteristic of hospitality was accompanied with your treatment;
Every one acknowledges it, after your departure (from this world).
Hadem ti khidmat-e khalq vit ti zodbũdisht be hamkor
Ti hamsar vit ti dhastyor, de ti tabibig̃h et khun bar
In the services of humanity, your family members became your supporters;
Your life partner became your associate in the practice of healing and house affairs.
Neyi niyetk ya ti voyn, balki pidhingi dem jahon
Mu’izjoni k̃hũ pup-e kon, dhetket ya’r k̃hũ ilm et hũnar
Your light is not turned out; rather it is glowing in this world;
Sweet Muiz is his grandfather’s treasure, you have transferred your knowledge and skill to him. ,
Tuwet tu nungi yi tojir, k̃hũ watan en to da Pomir
Misl-e Kũnjũdh-e safir, tag̃hdit Pomir ce zarowar
You were a famous trader, from your homeland to the Pamir;
As an ambassador of Hunza, you traveled to Pamir with an influence.
Dẽ k̃hũ farhang et torikh,woz riwoyat et khis̃hqomig̃h
Tu dẽgretk ti zindagig̃h, dishtetes̃h yemev ce barobar
In your culture, history, tradition and kinship narrations;
Your life was highly experienced, you knew them wonderfully.
Ki khamdit s̃hitik-e maydon, tu dra ayonn ti bodũrig̃h
Dẽ jugun woz darobi vitites̃h boz et sheri nar
When you entered in the playground, your bravery was quite obvious;
In the polo and tug-of-war, you would perform like a hawk and a lion.
Dẽ yũrtigorig̃h et vẽrũtig̃h, woz diyordorig̃h-e astam
Dhetet khũ fikrẽv-e nam, woz astamgarig̃h-e jowhar
In the states of affairs/cases of the community of the area and village, and clans;
You provided your fertile thoughts, and the essence of conflicts resolution.
Vẽndetu’t k̃hũ zindagig̃h, towe ce dẽ k̃hũ bandagig̃h
Ya ti Khudhoparastig̃h, viti’s̃h ce qiribi casar
Ce hayronjinet tiwetk, ki yewerdet k̃hũ rec̃hn-e wakht
Nasti dẽ har kuy-e bakht, dishn k̃hũ so’at z̃er’ng barobar
You were incredible, that you calculated your departure time;
It is not in everyone’s fate, to know one’s demise time so rightly.
Reg̃hdit sẽk zik et sẽk pũdh, car’nes̃h shũkr woz ghelch ey yor
Koshki me wiz’t z̃er’ng dichor, trẽ vẽdek ta’r ya shũm az̃hdar ,
You left this world in a normal condition, we thank God, and also have regret;
We wish, there was no encounter on the way of the monstrous dragon.
Ti okhri pẽs vẽdek wakht vit hazorho pẽzũvisht dargil
Remtev ce yas̃hk’v-e sil, hũmũyn k̃hũnen yoy ya digar
During the time of your see off on last day, thousands of hearts were mournful;
They flooded tears, whether they were your own or others.
Khũshruy yem khũ har kis̃hta, ye z̃hũ qibla draw da jahon
Nasib ta’r bogh-e buston, woz pariston-e har samar
All striking cultivations you have here (in this world), o’ my father, reap them in the next world;
May you be blessed with all fruits of the heavenly gardens and fairyland.
Likerket saker misol, k̃hũ baf yarkev et baf kirdor
Woc’nep sak cem’ven sarshor, neyep rũms̃hen tow spo rahbar
You have left your good deeds and character as model for us;
We will be greatly benefiting from them, we won’t forget you, our leader.
Fazal Aminer ti khidmat, lavz’ver wũzũmn nasty oson
Kumres̃h g̃hatem ta osmon, ma’r ijozat bor z̃hũ shikar
It is not easy for Fazal Amin to encompass your contributions;
How could I reach to the sky? O’ my sweet! Let me end up here then.
Jon et Tan woz Zamon et Makon
Soul-Body and Time-Space
Noyoft Z̃hũ Kuh-e Ambar
My Unique Mountain Embar
By Fazal Amin Beg
Noyoft z̃hũ kuh-e ambar, kum’res̃h gotem tow z̃hũ jigar
Mũborak ta’r yem safar, reg̃hit wudhg tu Khũdhoy-e bar
My unique mountain embar, where I could get you, my beloved;
May your journey be blessed, you departed today towards God.
Kũs̃hũy’t sufi bũzũrgev, k̃han’mes̃h bu g̃has̃h yav-e hikmat
Car pok fikr et amal k̃hat, yanep tu g̃hat da, k̃hũ parwar
Listen the Sufi Saints, I am going to say few thing about their wisdom;
Deliberate and act yourself, you’ll then reach to your God.
Ki wiztes̃h za dem jahon, woc’nes̃h khũsk̃h khis̃hqom et khondon
Magam ya tilf dẽ giryon, ki perevte yow dem mahshar
When a child comes in this world, all relatives and family members become happy;
But the infant comes with cry, that s/he was fallen in the chaos of this world.
Ajabi yem ko didig̃h, ki lecertes̃h khalg yem jahon
Woc’nes̃h kũtan dẽ giryon, yowes̃h ghes̃ht et res̃h dem safar
It is interesting, look again, when a person leaves this world;
All cry out, but the departed soul smiles and continues his travel.
Har kuy ki wostes̃h yow dhir, k̃hũ wũyũk̃hen dẽ har jahon
Weres̃htes̃h yow sargadon, s̃hukurgdes̃h woz k̃hũ asl-e bar
Any body who gets away from his/her roots in any world;
S/he remains in anxiety and searches to get attached with her/his origin.
Tages̃h ne wost khũsh yemm jon, dem jahon dem tan-e zindon
Kum’res̃h hald kup da biyobon, yow halaki ra samandar
Never the soul remains happy in this world, in the prison of body;
How is it possible for a fish to live in the desert, its living place is the sea/ocean.
K̃hetk bindi spo zindagig̃h , yem zamon-e dem k̃hũ makon
S̃htiũvdes̃h sak dem jahon, pish-e pũrk rang, ye z̃hũ dilbar
The time has imprisoned our life in its house (space);
It plays with us in this world, like a cat and a rat, o’ my sweetheart.
Khalg-e rec̃hn wakhtes̃h ki wizt, kum’res̃h bet ya so’at k̃hat mũsht
Hamishi siwor sẽk spo pũsht, kartes̃h bikhliew ce ya khinjgar
When a person’s departure time comes, how is it possible for the time to hide itself;
It always rides us on our back, (and) suddently hits with its sword.
Hũmũy’n tabib et habib, yoy hũmũy’n ya mir et faqir
Mawt-e pũrũtev dhastgir, rec̃’hnes̃h kholi dhast dem safar
Whether a physician/healer or a friend, a ruler or a subject;
All of them surrender before the death, (and) go empty-handed in this travel.
Dem jahon ti baf kis̃hta, wostep tũs̃ha ta’r da jahon
Sarbũland da parriston, cherm k̃he got tu har samar
Your good cultivation in this world will be food for you in the next world;
Enter in the fairyland with a pride and avail each fruit there.
Ti har baf yark dem dũnyo, wostep har yũwer baf misol
Ti nik amolisht ti mol, yundep bũland tow Dam-e bar
Your good accomplishments in this world will be good model for everyone;
Your good deeds are your wealth, (and) will elevate you high before Him.
Wost nasib ta’r kũs̃hodh jay, da jahon de arsh-e barin
Salom ta’r ye spo shohin, k̃hũ maydon-e toj et johar
May you be blessed with spacious place in the next world in the heavens;
Salute to you our falcon, the crown and spirit of your field.
Fazal Amin, dish dem jahon, zindagig̃hi bu ror-e mehmon
Wudhgi ki rek̃hk ti jonon, kartep pig̃ha tow-e trẽ safar
Fazal Amin, recognize in this world our life is a guest for few days;
If today your beloved has departed, it will send out you on the travel tomorrow.
Yi G̃has̃h Band Yaver Kuyi Ki Z̃hũ Tat-e Khidmat K̃hetk
Couples of Stanzas to Those who Extended Support To My Late Father
By Fazal Amin Beg
Car’nes̃h s̃hobos̃h wudhg-e ror, har yũwer dem k̃hũ guftor
Ki vitiv’v ce dust yor, pushtibon et madadgor
I pay my gratitude today, to everyone in my words herein;
To those who stood your friends andcompanions, supporters and collaborators.
Dem dũnyo-e har safar, ras̃hovdev k̃hũ dhastev ta’r
Hũmũy’n tin k̃hũn yoy digar, kertev ce bũland ya ti sar
In the journey(s) /initiatives in this word, extended their support to you;
Whether they were your own or others, elevated you (in your missions).
Dẽ k̃hũ pokiza niyat, khimdates̃h ki rand kuy
Wostes̃h bi-gharaz dẽ kh̃at, odamiyat-e obruy
Within one’s clean intention, if someone enders in (voluntary) services;
S/he becomes selfless in him/her, (and) a pride for humanity.
Khidmat-e ya ajr’ves̃h, rand Khũdhoy ce bishũmor
Ne’s̃h werees̃ht hechkuy tra yand, g̃hates̃h kũk̃hter dar qator
God, the Almighty, blesses countless rewards to those serving voluntarily;
No one gets spared, (and) everyone gets them (rewards) abundantly.
Didig̃h ko tu k̃hũ kũchig̃h, ye Fazal Amin dem k̃hũ jon
Ki bases̃h wez dhastyorig̃h, me hal cebas dem jahon
Evaluate your strength yourself in you, hey Fazal Amin;
If you can help someone in this world, don’t stay behind. .
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