
Poetry: A Brief Introduction to Some Chinese Wakhi Poets from Xinjiang

April 20, 2022

By Fazal Amin Beg (based on an interview in 2014)
Islom Ijot of Dafdor
IslomIjot was born in 25 May, 1990 in Dafdor, Tashkurghan County of Xinjiang, Peoples Republic of China. He got his primary middle level education in 2004 and middle education in 2007.


ShokatNodek was born on 15 May, 1977 in Dafdor, TashkurghnCounty of Xinjiang, Peoples Republic of China. He received his primary level education from 1996-2001. He got his middle level education in 2003. After acquiring this level of education, ShokatNodek has been working in his house.


IslohKhon was born on 27 February 1974 in Dafdor, Peoples Republic of China. He grew up in Dafdor. Isloh started composing his poetry from 1999. He is also a singer.
Isloh has been working on the Wakhi language in terms of his poetry for for the last 7 years. He has produced 60 Wakhi poems so far.

Niyoz Big Zanjir
Niyoz Big Zanjir was born on 9 April, 1977 in Dafdor, Tashkurghan Tajik Autonomous County of Xinjiang. He got his primary level education in Dafdor and middle level education in Tashkurghan. He completed his school education in 1993. At present, he is engaged with his agro-pastoral activities.
QaisarDawlatBaig was born on 2 September, 1969 in Dafdor, Tashkurghan Tajik Autonomous County, Xinjiang. He got his primary level education from Dafdor; while his middle level education from Tashkurghan and Kashkhar. In 1978-92 (?? seems blunder of figure here), QaisarDawlatBaig pursued his specialization in History from Xinjiang University, Urumqi. Presently, QaisarDawlatBaig is carrying out his research on history in Tashkurghan.

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