By Fazal Amin Beg
Cumer be dhir ki rec̃h dem jahon, got’mes̃h ti khuz̃hgig̃h
Jeftet ce maz̃her tu dem z̃hũ jon, got’mes̃h ti khuz̃hgig̃h
To the extent you go far away in this world, I get your love,
You are coupled with my soul, I get your love .
Woces̃h mẽrgech maz̃her k̃he wezi’s̃h tu dẽ z̃hũ yinot
Ye ne gũtak mũzhdayig̃h-e kon, got’mes̃h ti khuz̃hgig̃h
You come in my dream by becoming an elevated spirit,
O the unique treasure of goodnews, I get your love.
Ccartes̃h ce voyn ti ishq-e Chirogh, rem torik zindon
Shũkres̃h carem wuz notawon, got’mes̃h ti khuz̃hgig̃h
Well, when the light of your love brightens the dark prison here,
I, the poor, pay my gratitude, I get your love.
wũz’mes̃h yig̃hun ozmũd-e witish k̃he mũshes̃h k̃hũ ruy
woc’mes̃h pilpich et wuches̃h boron, got’mes̃h ti khuz̃hgig̃h
Sometines, you bring the cloud of observation on your face and hide it from me,
I (in turn) become restless, you then stop raining, I get your love.
Cartes̃h ti khũsh sirat et sũat ghal batk maz̃h kabob
pec̃h’mes̃h dem ishq-e ottash fashon, got’mes̃h ti khuz̃hgig̃h
I continue to get roasted over your beautiful habits and countenance,
Though, I burn in the lava of your affection, I get your love.
j̃us̃hes̃h ce cart ti yod-e raknig̃h, wiz’tes̃h zilzla
g̃hirũvdes̃h ki holek z̃hũ makon, got’mes̃h ti khuz̃hgig̃h
When the fire of your love reaches to the crest,the earthquake emerges,
When it dismantles my vulnerable house (of emotion), I get your love.
k̃hetket k̃hater s̃hũrig̃h-e mahal, Fazal Amin-e pũzũv
woces̃h dem ce ya mehr-e mizbon, got’mes̃h ti khuz̃hgig̃h
You have made the heart of Fazal Amin as the palace of loyalty for yourself,
When you become the host of affection (inside my heart), I get your love .
Note: The recital of this very ghazal by the poet himself could be accessed and watched/listened on the following link of EaglesWorld:
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