English, Tributes, Wakhi

Z̃hũ Khuz̃hg Nanjon! My Beloved Mother! (Wakhi Poetry with English Translation)

May 11, 2024

By Fazal Amin Beg

Hũsn en pari, z̃hũ gũl miri, ta’r wuz qũrbon, z̃hũ khuz̃hg nanjon!
Ceyem da gũlzor, da ti amon, amn-e rawon, z̃hũ khuz̃hg nanjon!
The fairy of beauty, my Merry flower! I’ll be sacrificed to you, my beloved mother!
I’m in the flower garden under your protection, the spirit of peace, my beloved mother!

Chiz go’m wuz ya la’l et lojward, almos et tilo, yoy ya digar?
Cẽ kũk̃ht en qiymat et giron, z̃hũ zot-e kon, z̃hũ khuz̃hg nanjon!
What should I do with the ruby and jewals, diamond and gold or others?
You’re so precious and expensive than all, hey the treasure of my essence, my beloved mother!

Jires̃h car ce tu yav dẽ k̃hat, har qism-e ya hawo et yupkev
Ne’s̃h kat̃ cẽbas k̃hat dem maydon, tu’t qahramon, z̃hũ khuz̃hg nanjon!
You are absorbomg everything within yourself, all kind of air and water,
You don’t withdraw yourself in the field, you’re the champion, my beloved mother!

Tiyores̃h car ya k̃hũ kis̃htev, cumer be zurig̃h ce hũmũyd
Woc’nes̃h yasht sarsavz et shodmon, qobil diqon, z̃hũ khuz̃hg nanjon!
You are preparing all sorts of crops, whatever challenges may come across you,
They thus become all green and lively, hey talented farmer, my beloved mother!

Nik̃hindes̃h ce har zot-e kichet, khuz̃hg et turuq, tres̃hp et shitap
Ajab zarkhizi ti jahon, khũshruy boghbon, z̃hũ khuz̃hg nanjon!
You’ve been giving birth to various types of saplings, sweet and bitter, sour and tasteless,
Amazingly, your world is highly fertile, hey incredible, my beloved mother!

Hũmũyd ya wakht rukhn yoy tirich, ne’t lekert maz̃h wesk et zirich
Tu’t biparwo ce da k̃hũ jon, bũlandi ti shon, z̃hũ khuz̃hg nanjon!
Whether the time is bright or dark, you never kept me thirsty or hungry,
You opted to keep neglected yourself, your dignity is so high, my beloved mother!

Bũspũr-e rang dik̃htet pẽ tap, seldet sak ska k̃hũ lup hũnar
Dhetet ilm-e soz et somon, ye pũshtibon, z̃hũ khuz̃hg nanjon!
Like an eagle, you kept us under your wing, you raised us through your great skills,
You provided the tools and instruements of knowledge, hey the supporter, my beloved mother!

Maz̃he dem k̃hũ chut̃ zindagig̃h, ne’m bas wezd ta’r randem khũshig̃h
Bakhs̃his̃h ma’r car ye z̃hũ mehrbon, mehr-e jahon, z̃hũ khuz̃hg nanjon!
Within my broken life, I couldn’t bring happiness to you,
Forgive me, hey my compassionate, the world of love, my beloved mother!

Hamishi ya dars tinen nikig̃h, z̃aqlayig̃h en to da lupig̃h
Ki me caren sak kuy nuqson, rahm-e oston, z̃hũ khuz̃hg nanjon!
Your lessons to us is to do good, from the childhood to adulthood,
So, we should not harm anyone, hey the shrine of mercy, my beloved mother!

Khũshruy ti aql et rahbari,kartes̃h ce voyn skem zindaigi
Bimisolet de har zamon, ye kahkashon, z̃hũ khuz̃hg nanjon!
Your beautiful intellect and leadership shed light upon our life,
You are outstanding at all times, hey the galaxy, my beloved mother!

Cum’rem ko k̃hetk towe nokhũsh, ghali be sẽk maz̃h ya ti nomũs
Pũzũv-e samandar-e pahlawon, z̃hũ kashtibon, z̃hũ khuz̃hg nanjon!
I’ve extremely made you unhappy, nonetheless, you sustain your worthy support to me,
The champion of the ocean of heart, hey my boater, my beloved mother!

Kambakhti yem ti Fazal Amin, ye z̃hũ bihisht-e ya zomin!
Nokarkak̃hki dem koravon, ye z̃hũ sorbon, z̃hũ khuz̃hg nanjon!
Your Fazal Amin is misfortunate,hey the guarantor of my heavens!
He is disabled in the caravan (travel), hey my chief, my beloved mother!

Composed on April 14, 2024 in Gilgit

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