Welcome to this Website cum Blog
Knowledge is not something confined within oneself and one’s personal property as per se but rather to be shared with and learned by all as humans on any subject matter at any time at any place. Continuing with and sharing of one’s genuine knowledge with the related stakeholders is therefore something highly invaluable and a highest level of generosity among all in the world.
But, unfortunately, what I have been consistently observing for the last three decades, at least, in today’s world in this age of globalization, that over knowledge, various types of academic monopoly and politics are the indicators before many to show that it is something specific to a few and only to them in the forms of various types of authors, poets, or otherwise. Like the social classes, various kinds of knowledge contributors across the globe are observed spread over different knowledge classes and strata, which have de facto led towards its own particular pros and cons, when seen across publications at various levels, subjects and scales of impact.
Although, the Internet today is a largest source of information across the globe, deriving out the various types of knowledge and wisdom out of this monstrous space is a big question mark, indeed, and may not be within each individual’s capacity in the given circumstances of socio-political and geo-digital divides. Nonetheless, we need to be conscious that each individual human brain as a hardware and the mind as a software is, at least, composed of series and layers of information (acquired out of their natural and cultural environments), from which related peoples in the diverse cultural communities immerse in and derive out knowledge and wisdom at different scales.
This website cum blog www.fazalamin.com is the personal website of Fazal Amin Beg of Gulmit within the strategic Hunza Valley of mountainous Gilgit-Baltistan Region in the Northern Pakistan.
The website primarily aims to share with a generosity approach the knowledge that has emerged out of Fazal Amin Beg’s extensive anthropological and linguistic fieldwork as well as other subject matters within his limited capacity in the selective geographical areas of Central and South Asia and China for over two decades.
The publications on this website therefore are purely dedicated to Fazal Amin Beg’s own contributions in different realms including his unpublished papers, essays, studies, reports, travelogues, and materials on mother-tongue literacy, poetry (Wakhi Pamiri, Persian and Urdu) and so on.
This website is all about fazal amin beg