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The Disastrous Coronavirus, Viral Languages Project and the Story of Noor Pamiri after Successful Recovery from the Pandemic COVID-19

July 3, 2020

By Fazal Amin Beg

It’s interesting to note that looking at and Deliberating in one of the impressive English proverb, “Necessity is mother of invention” provides us profound insights into it on many fronts and domains of life. It cannot be attributed only in the field of pure scientific inventions or discoveries but rather extends to all other walks of life in a culture or society where humans interact with each other and with their respective environment .To illustrate, whenever people encounter genuine problems or hardship (at an individual or collective level), the thoughtful strategies, actions or reactions ultimately lead towards the effective solutions to cope with them effectively to a greater or significant level. This notion thus holds true in the case of the strategies taken with regard to the global pandemic of today, well-known as the Coronavirus or COVID-19.
Whether a person is healthy or sick, wealthy or poor, literate or non-literate, a child, young or adult, a professional or non-professional, a man or woman, Easternerthe or Westener,a faith possesser or an atheist, a scientist or a technologist , a peace lover or a terrorist, all of them received , at least, one thing in common for the last eight months: strong fear of the Coronavirus, getting individually and collectively precautionary measures to survive, keeping to a considerable extent the social distancing from each other, and many more.
Since November 2019, the dreadful Coronavirus, an invisible and a smallest being while apparently taking its genesis from the Wuhan (Wukhan) of China, has been infecting milions of people and killing hundreds of thousands of people across the globe and nation states.The human fellows in general and the scientific community in particular have become so helpless that the cause of catastrophe cannot be effectively copped by now (June 26, 2020) as it’d involve further time to discover the vaccines and it would take the lives of human fellows may be in the same ratio or more provided the fundamental precautionary measures were not taken by the citizens and states alike.
In such disastrous situations, many actors and forces across the globe, no matter whether they were right or wrong, whether or not they were legitimate in their thoughts and approaches, were evidenced for being proactive in disseminating information on the subject matter through the social and mainstream media. The human fellows were seen, and currently observed, were in a great impasse to cope with the situation. On the one hand, Coronavirus hampered over their heads to hunt the humans, on the other, the information provided to them were so confusing and unreliable as many among the people claimed for the prospective, even unscientific treatement. Many of them underestimated or rejected the fatal virus for being true.
At such critical juncture of human life, it was back in April 2020 that some likeminded anthropologists and linguists from University at Buffalo (New York), University of London, and Hawaii State University as well as other collaborators got together and took a collectively practical and wonderful initiative by naming it as Viral Languages Project (VLP) as one could visit the official website to know more about it on the following link: www.virallanguages.org.
Through concerted efforts and approaches, VLP therefore mainly aimed to keep in account the scientific findings on the subject within the ambit of World Health Organization (WHO) and dissiminate the correct and reliable information on the coronavirus by developing and updating the reference materials.Thereby, VLP scripts opted to translate the scientific information from the main languages (such as English, French and Bhasa) to the indigenous languages across the globe by building various teams and partners of the native language speakers.
Since its inception, couples of months before, VLP contributed incredibly by sensitizing many indigenous language communities through its social media channel (virallanguages) where one could evidence over 45 videos on the global pandemic. The project is well received by the target communities and other stakeholders and move towards it for getting correct and reliable information on Coronavirus.
It was the third week of April when I knew about the VLP through an American linguist friend (Professor Elina Bashir) and I came in contact with the team of the project. Within our limited capacity, Madam Zahida Parveen Khan (a dedicated, honest and compassionate artist) and myself (belonging to the Northern Pakistan) contributed to the cause of VLP by preparing five videos on Coronavirus to sensitize the concerned Wakhi communities of more than five countries. I translated the English scripts in Wakhi and Zahida Khan would prepare on her own the five videos in Wakhi language based on the translated materials but in her own ways.
As it’s quite obvious that the pandemic could not be anticipated to end up so quickly unless the vaccines are discovered in the near future.Series of strategies therefore have to be taken by the key stakeholders to protect the human fellows from the fatal virus and the role of VLP would need to be reviewed and continued through various innovative strategies and approaches.Although, the correct information dissemination phase for many langauges passed, for other indigenous languages it may be required. In the second phase, the experiences and success stories of the patients in the indigenous language communities who bravely encountered and have recovered from Coronavirus would be so effective to those who are protected so far to get lessons out of the stories the patients generously relate
It’s encouraging to note that from Pakistan, at least, some patients of the respective languages such as Torwali and Burushaski have ventured to share their experiences with their communities and fellow human beings.
In this connection, among the Wakhi communities, one of the diasporas living in the United States, more particularly from New York State (the burning pot of the virus at global scale) has generously shared his experience of the pandemic in Wakhi. Noor Muhammad Pamiri is prominent for the initiative he and his team has taken with regard to social media named as Pamir Times (www.pamirtimes.net). Besides his employment commitment in New York with Arab-American Family Support Center (AASC), Noor Pamir has been dedicately contributing to the Pamir Times as the Chief Editor and Co-Founder. He has an extensive service record of serving various organizations at international scale including GC Global Research, New York; Aga Khan Health Service, Pakistan (AKHSP), Islamabad; Doctors Without Borders, MSF), Islamabad, Pakistan; Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN), Islamabad, Pakistan; Improving Parliamentary Performance in Pakistan (IP3) (a project of British Council); and Focus Humanitarian Assistance, Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN).
After I got the video of Noor Pamiri from Sydney Rey (a regional coordinator of VLP) for the review , I found it so valuable as he has expressed himself so painfully but finally defeated the virus through his wit, strong will power and precautionary measures. Like other videos Madam Zahida Khan had made and I’d transcribed the Wakhi contents with English translation, I also opted for this video in the same manner so the painful and bitter experiences the patient has shared should not remain limited within Wakhi language but rather should be disseminated and known to other communities at global scale through the English translation.
Those who know Wakhi language, could clik on the following link of the ViralLanguages Channel and watch his lively talk .

Those who cannot understand Wakhi, for them I’m going to present the talk of Noor Pamiri with Wakhi transcription followed by English translation. I trust the readers would not only enjoy reading the text but rather get lessons out of the bitter experience he has acquired over a month’s period but finally followed by the sweet success.

A Success Story of Noor Muhammad Pamiri after going through the painful Coronavirus in New York: Wakhi Transcription and English Translation
Shirin k̃hũy vũũtev ey,z̃hũ nungi Nur Pomiri. Yezwudhgem wuz dẽ Amerika, dẽ Niw York nung shar.maz̃her koronavaras laga vitu (pẽrvetu). Wuzem ghafch bimor vite ta varas-e waja en. K̃he wudhg-e hayem video-e maqsadi yem ki z̃hũn ki chiz tajarba tu, skẽ maz̃h ki chiz shekheste, hayow e woz saver be k̃hanem. Mũmkini ki ca’n kuyer chiz foyda wost.
Dear sisters and brothers!My name is Noor Pomiri. These days, I’m settled in America, in the New York city.I was infected with Coronavirus.I remained so sick due to this virus.the aim of today’s video is to share my acquired experiences that I faced (for the specified timeframe) so to tell them to you as well. It’s possible that out of them (experiences), there may come up a bit help to some people.
March-e mũy-e mulungĩgh, dhaspanz̃ torikher, yem z̃hũ hulqum z̃aq kharob vite.z̃aq dremer gres̃hes̃h kert, z̃aq trekhs̃h rang vite. Woz zares̃h vite. Nizhghernes̃h z̃aq mũshkil rang vite. Chiz’mes̃h ki nezhgerd a, dremes̃h zar vite.z̃iyes̃h be ce zares̃h vite. Dam’mes̃h ki khas̃ht, dremes̃h taklif ma’r vite. Hayet alomat’res̃h (nis̃hun’res̃h) dẽ Angrezi sor throt̃es̃h (soar throat) k̃hanen.hayet sor throt̃ werg̃hene yi buytru hafta.k̃he March-e okhiri haftaer haz̃ereng vite ki nag̃hdi’m drem niyeng tu, nag̃hdi yũwbuy vitu a ce, yark’mes̃h kert niyengem tu k̃he bikhabarem jũs̃hk kert. Shak jũs̃hkem kert, achanak (bikhlew) chiz sũmba (fiker) ney, z̃ereng chiz ne tu, bas yet halq-e masla tu. Shak jũs̃hkem kert k̃he. Z̃aqem dra niyene k̃he wozem tayin kert ki z̃hũ jism (tan) gha mac (rus̃h) skẽ wocen vite. Z̃hũ sar et z̃hũ ruk, z̃hũ pũtũn jism (tan) bukhor laga vite (tov dik̃hte). Chizer yet alomatisht (nis̃hunisht) saker malũm tu. Trẽ misken khalg’ves̃h k̃hũ tajarba ves̃h k̃hat skẽ mid̃ya (media) zariya en. Koronavayras en be sak aga tu.ki yem maslayi tey. to (khub) hũs̃hũk nek dẽ pũzũv perevte ki alomatish (nis̃hunisht) yibuy ce yeten wezde.kher wuzem ra k̃hũ piper cherne, nesti’m, rũk̃hpetkem. Sariyem khabar vite ki z̃hũ jismi (tani) ghafch mac (tov). Araq sharsharem vitu, woz shak j̃ũs̃hk’mes̃h kert da’n.
Since March 15 (in the middle of the month),I got issue with my throat.It got itching and tightening as well as it was paining.It had become difficult to swallow the things. When I would swallow something, it (throat) pained. It also got pain without swolling anything, even when I’d breathe I’d feel the aching. This symptom in English is called as soar throat. The soar throat continued for two to three weeks.In the last week of March,a night I was sitting here in my room. It was probably 1:00 or 2:00 A.M,, I was doing some work. Suddenly, I started shivering. It was terrifying shiver.It was so sudden as I didn’t think about any particuarl thing,, except for throat problem. I shivered so distressingly. I sat for a while on the spot, I observed that my body became so heated including my head, my forehead and entire body. I got the fever. As we knew aboute the symtoms of Coronavirus,, as the infected people would share their experiences on the media.we were aware of the Coronavirus that it had such kind of signs. I felt a threat in my heart that a couple of symtoms indicated about Coronavirus.Well I then entered in my bed and slept.When I got up in the morning, I observed my body had a high fever. My entire body was sweating and was shivering unusually.
K̃he maz̃h yan z̃e’ng gok̃ht ki k̃hatem bilkũl (bikhi) alagem kert (yewerd) ca k̃hũ za zẽman’v en k̃hat e.chizer ki maz̃her shek vite ki mũmkini ki yem alomatishev ce (nis̃hunishtev ce) hayet vayrasen (jarosim en). K̃he yi buytru ror haz̃ereng bukhor (tov) et jũs̃hk et araq werg̃hene. Z̃aqz̃aq ma’r az̃i sũdhoyde ki wuz ska k̃hũ jism (tanem) ce az̃i niyeng,ra piper. Ta waja en, z̃hũ jism skẽ rizhn vite ghafch ziyoda (ziyot).z̃hũ madh et z̃hũ birin et z̃hũ yurmisht az̃i shak was̃hkwas̃hk sokht vite, woz rizhe z̃hũ jism.
Keeping in view the situation, I isolated myself from my children and family because I doubted aboute the symtoms that they were because of the virus.For two or three days, the high temperature and sweating continued.It sounded that I was sitting on my body in the bed.resultantly, my body started paining severely.I felt so exhaustion in My back, shins/legs and arms. My entire body thus was in strong pain.
K̃he yi cẽbũrpanz̃ rorem az̃i halde. Maz̃h k̃hat ki mũmkini ki yem chiz kam wost a. hadet dawron maz̃h z̃ereng gok̃ht ki yi T̃aylanol (Tylenol) nung dorũwi, tremes̃h yo’r t̃aylenol k̃hanen, tra’es̃h yor parasetamol (paracetamol) k̃hanen ma’res̃h sũdhũyd. Haya dorũw ce, maz̃he on-layn (online) skẽ int̃ernetem joyetu ki bukhor-e dẽstan (tov-e dẽstan) ki viti a,t̃aylanol e yiti baf. K̃he yow’mes̃h yit maz̃he. K̃hatem yow mangaya (wuzũmn rẽmetu) K̃hat, yowen wũzmetu trem dũkon en. K̃he yowes̃h yig̃huner ya bukhor (tov) kam kert magam ya bukhores̃h dubora wopas wezde.
For four or five days, I waited to see if the pain decreases. During this timeframe ) I asked to bring a medicine called Tylenol for me, as it’s known here (U.S.A) as Tylenol and there (in Pakistan) it’s known as paracetamol I think.I had read about this tablet online on the Internet that if someone had fever, to take the Tylenol tablet is good. I’d therefore eat this tablet through self medication by bringing it from a shop. This tablet would decrease the fever for a while, but would start again.

Yi truycẽbũr ror en cẽbas z̃hũ holot z̃aq ziyot chiz vite, baf ne vite, balki tra shakig̃h g̃hẽna rec̃hen vite. K̃he sak dra haspitol kol (qũw) kert, ya ambulans servis en yav e(ambulance service en yav e). Yashtev wezde maz̃hev tayin kert k̃he k̃hatev ki ney ti holoti ce yowi z̃aq t̃ik (baf) nast. Alomattes̃h (nis̃hunes̃h) s̃ũdhũyd ki yet bimori’ni. Magam hatumer shaki ti holot nast sak tow da haspitol yunden k̃he dra tow dokhil caren, khoy tow skẽ ventilator (dam k̃hẽs̃hak-e mashin) kat̃en.
After three or four days, I didn’t get any improvement; instead, it moved towards the decline.We therefore called in the hospital for the ambulance.They came and examined me and then they said that my condition was not good. There was the symptom of coronavirus , though my condition was that that much serious to hospitalize me or to put me on the ventilator.
K̃he yave ma’r z̃ereng k̃hat ki cerenget ki tow k̃hat tem khun ihtiyot k̃het k̃he niyenget, orom’mes̃het niyeng, tapes̃h ney woz baf s̃hapikes̃h (k̃heches̃h) yaw to ki ya ti jism-e (tan-e)mudof’at-enizomi tey a, yow behtar wost. Hayem k̃ht jori lecerev k̃hat (trẽ pũrũt c̃haw’vev k̃hat.K̃he yi dorũwev ma’r dhet, haya t̃aylenol maz̃hes̃h yow ce yit, haya dõrũwev ma’r dhet . da’nev yi inheleres̃h k̃hanen (inhaler, dam-e rẽ dest yundakkũzg) yem z̃hũ dam-e dẽstan chizer ki z̃aqz̃aq z̃hũ dam-e masla skẽ wẽzayn vitu ki yem z̃hũ hulqum I ce, hulqum en ilowa yem z̃hũ pũzes̃h ghurung ma’r vite, dam khẽs̃hakes̃h mushkil vite. K̃he ya inhelerev (inhaler) ma’ar dhet.Leikin yave k̃hat ki coghder ki to’r sũdhoyde ki maslyayi maz̃her, yan yow istimol car (yaker wũzũm), z̃i bor bor istimol me carev k̃hat.
They advised me that the way I was taking care of myself and others at home, should continue the same practice as I was sitting calmlessly, not moving, and was eating proper food to develop my immune power system.They reiterated to continue such practice.They then provided me the same tablet,, which I was eating alreay called Tylenol.along with this type of tablet, they also provided me an inhaler to regulate my breathing, as gradually my breathing was being obstructed to a lesser degree, as except for my throat,, my chest had become so burdensome on me, and it was becoming difficuilt for me to breathe. They therefore provided me the inhaler,, but they advised me that wheever I observed that there was the problem (breathing),, I should then bring it in use on need basis and not be used time and again.
Maz̃he yi buytru ror yow be istimol kert, lekin (magam) z̃hũ holot bigda vite (bene/kharob vite). Z̃hũ holot t̃ik (baf) ne vite. Ne ya bukhor (tov) kam vite, ne yan z̃hũ qokhn shuru vite. Qũloch’mes̃h ki khas̃ht (wẽyawg’mes̃h ki kart) ta bathrum (ghũselkhona/tishnob), ta bathrum rec̃h’ne dẽstan (trẽ bar k̃hũ dhast wũzdyũk-e dẽstan). Qloch’mes̃h ki khast az̃i shakqokhnes̃h shuru vite ki ma’res̃h sũdhoyde ki yem z̃hũ dũrunep trem z̃hũ halq z̃in trem bar wizit. K̃he araq sharshar’mes̃h be vite. Borbor az̃i jũs̃hk’mes̃h kert. Bukhor (tov) et yi j̃armas̃h (niyer/aralash) sokht holotes̃h vite. Matalab ki ghafch shak, shaded, taklifes̃h vite. Ghafch mũshkil taklifer k̃he wũs̃hũk be perevte chizer ki ghafch khalgisht’ves̃h girdgird merte. Harrorves̃h hazaruñ cum hazor) khalgisht’ves̃h merte tet bimorig waja en.
I thus used it for two or three days but my health condition deteriorated.Neither my fever reduced and nor my cough, as it had also started, and I would cough so abnormally. When I’d step ahead to go to the washroom, I’d cough so fearfully as it seemed my internal organs would come out through my throat. I would also sweat so weirdly. Time and again, I’d shiver and fever would rise. A mixture type of condition emerged. I was facing a very severe hardship. I was scared, too, as many people would die around us. Each day, thousands of people would die due to this pandemic.
Bahar hol, yi hafta’m az̃i werg̃hene,k̃he yan k̃hank̃hatem reg̃hde yi klinik (clinic) drem tey. yave maz̃h check kert (didig̃hd). Z̃hũ pũz-e eksrayev kert (x-ray) k̃he hyave maz̃her k̃hat ki tini c̃hak nanũmiyayi k̃hat. Yowe maz̃her z̃ereng be nevesht k̃he dheti ki dẽ tow ice yet vayras-e, koronavayrasi ce, yow-e alomatishtes̃h (nis̃hunishtes̃h) dẽ tow sũdhũdhen. Lekin haspitol two dokhil ne caren. Cizer ki da haspitoli yũw z̃ereng ki bed̃ishtev (bistrayisht) kam. Woz buyũngi z̃ereng ki da haspitolev ce, yem wakht khalgishtes̃h ghafch ta wezin. Ca’n mũmkin ki tower chiz foyda me wost. Magam nũsonep towere mũmkini ki wost.
However, I was on bed for a week. We thenwent to a clinic nearby. They examined me by taking x-ray of my chest and they diagnosed that I had a strong pneumonia. The doctor also shared with me that I had the symtoms of Coronavirus as well. He advised that I should not be admitted in the hospital because there was no bed available at that time. Second, a lot of people do visit the hospital and it’s possible there might not be any benefit to me, but rather I may see the negative consequences.
K̃he maz̃h’rev yave antibayotiks (antibiotics) yi buytru dõrũw nevesht k̃he dhetev. K̃he yanev k̃hat lo ti bas az̃eremg rest̃ )orom) car. Qaror halev k̃hat.Yem dorũw e buytru ror istimol car. Cem’net ki baf viti a , t̃iki (bafi), ki ney a yan wo sak fesla caren ki tow e dokhil carn a ney da haspitol.
They then provided me with prescription of two or three types of antibiotic tablets.They advised me to take rest in the same manner. I should be in resting position and should take the medicsion for two or three days. They further said that if I recovered from those tablets, it’d be great, otherwise they would then decide whether or not I should be admitted in the hospital.
Haya wakht z̃ereng tu ki ghafch khalgihst’ves̃h bimor vite, hadem Niw York-e shahr ce tu, ki cumer hazor khalg’ves̃h dẽ ror ce bimor’ves̃h vite. Woz haspitolev ce , yem-e dẽstanes̃h makhsus bedishtes̃h wocen, ca cem bimori’nes̃h ki kuy mutosir (s̃hũkor) wost.K̃he yashtev ne tu, kamev tu. Ska’ves̃h yave rost ki haya khalgev dez̃hd kumd’v-e holot ki ghafch shak tu, matlab ki yav-e zindaig̃her chiz khatra tu. Maz̃herv k̃hat ki tu’t ghal z̃ereng holoter (situation) nast k̃he k̃hatev ki yem antibiotiksev (antibiotics) istimol car (yaw). K̃he wuzem woz wezde tẽ khun.
At that time, a lot of people would get infected here in New York city. Thousands of people will get infection and in the hospitals, for the patients of this virus had special beds.The beds were therefore in small quantity.They would therefore admit only those patients, who were in so critical condition and their survival was at risk. They told me that I was not yet in the critical condition and I should therefore take the antibiotic medicines. I thus returned home.
Shũker ki truy ror, cẽbũe rorem ya antibiotiksev yit. Woz hahayow maz̃her cereng yark wezde. Chizer ki z̃hũ bukhor (tov) be kam vite; Ya z̃hũ qokhn ce tu, yow be nas̃hte. Z̃hũ pũz ki kum taklif tu, yow be kam vite. Woz z̃aqz̃aqem ce skẽ tuk-e basem skẽ wẽzayn vite. Rom mes̃h en. Z̃i’mes̃h qloch’mes̃h tek khas̃ht (wẽyawg’mes̃h kart). Da qloch kh̃es̃hak’nes̃h z̃hũ qokhnes̃h shak wezde. Qokhtimes̃h. Woz yigũdor’mes̃h ki qokhn shuru vite, yowes̃h band ne vite haz̃reng’mes̃h bu minet, truy minet qokhte, qokhte k̃he yowesh pũtũn shirwetk vite dũrũn. Lekin yet dorũwisht ce tu, yav’mes̃h istimol kert (yit) k̃he ya z̃hũ holot baf vite. Woz bu hafta, yoy dhaspanz̃ ror, ca’n be c̃hak, ma’res̃h sũdhũyd ki dhas’hũb, dhas’hat ror laga vite (shekheste) k̃he yanem skẽ pũdh vite.
Thanks that for three to four days, I ate the antibiotic tabhlets and they became effective in healing. Consequently, my fever reduced, my coughing stopped,the pain in my chest also lessened and gradually I could walk slowly. Though, I would take steps during the sickness, I’d cough so fearfully. Once, I would stargt coughing, it won’t stopo. For two or three minutes I’d cough and my entire internal body would go in hardship. But because of the tablets, my condition improved. For two weeks, 15 days, even more than that, for seventeen or eighteen days, my health condition then restored.
K̃he nivem cẽ April-e mulung e, dhaspanz̃, dhasshadh torikh en to wudhg-e batk bu mũy mukamal (kũl) vite. Dẽ maz̃hi chiz alomstisht (nis̃hunisht) nast. Z̃hũ wazn ghafch kam vitu da dawron, yowes̃h be z̃aqz̃aq sand, rikover (recover). Wost. Nives̃h orom mes̃h en k̃hater tuk bas be wezi’m.gefsn-e bases̃h be wez’im. Woz yark’res̃h rec̃hem. Dẽ hafta’es̃h bu qũr trem daftar (office) rec̃hem) woz tru rores̃h cẽ khun en yark carem.
Well, now, from mid-April(15) through this day,two months completed. Now, in me, there is no symptom. I had lost my weight significantly during my sickness. Now, I recover it, too. Now, I could walk easily.I can also run and also pursue my job. Twice a week, I do go to my office and for three days, I work from home.
Khub, z̃hũ zindagig̃h en ki chiz ma’mul tu, cet March en trẽ mis, hayowi woz bahol vitk. Woz cẽ Imom en shũker ki holot ghafch shak ne vit.Matlab shak vite,ghafchi maz̃h tuz̃hov, nivi woz ce z̃hũni etimodi bahol vitk.
Well, the routine work of my life, which was before March, has got restored. Thanks to Imam that my health condition was not that much at stake, though went through phases of seriousness.It provided me a great pain but I’m now confident.
Hacet bimor woc’n en trẽ mis saver k̃hanem ki, chizer kit re trẽ misk en shuru (oghoz) vitu, cẽ Januari ken kesisht (case) shuru vitu kam kam. K̃he maz̃hes̃h ghafch ihtiyod kert. K̃hũ dhast wũzdũyũk et hayem. Mask’mes̃h ne dik̃ht (g̃has̃hvẽndak’mes̃h ne vast).Hada darwon mask (g̃has̃hvẽndak) ne tu. Dhastona’mes̃h be ne dik̃ht. Matalb cẽ Januari en. Lekin Lekin, cẽ March en spo daftar en (office en) k̃hatev saker k̃hat ki sahisht ihtihot carit. ̃he sake masken dez̃hd k̃he cẽ March-e yekum (yũw en) sake ma’res̃h sũdhũyd ki shuruen (oghozen) k̃hetu, ki ehtihyot k̃hak, k̃hũ dhast en mukamal (pũtũn) wũdũk. K̃hũ g̃has̃h et k̃hũ mis e vẽndak tẽ mask en, khoy tẽ chil en. Ca’n bowujud be yi ne yijayes̃h inson ihtiyot kam cart k̃he ya bimori pẽ maz̃h padid vite.
Before becoming sick, I should share with you that the pandemic had already started slowly infecting people here (in U.S.a) since January. I thus was so cautious about it. and would wash my hands. However, I won’t tie the face mask as during those days there were no masks available here.I won’t also put on the gloves since January. But from March onward, we were directed from our office that we should be cautious and we began purchasing masks, and started using them all. I think it was from March 1, we began to opt for the precautionary measures such as washing our hands, tying our mouth and nose with the mask, or with a piece of cloth,.Nonethelss, at any state or place, a human might gets aside the care, and in thisway, the pandemic attacked me.
Nivem baf vitk lekin itiyoti tadbir’isht ki chiz tey, ki ihtiyoti chichiz k̃hatker, haskemeves̃h wuz k̃hat awal amal carem.har ror. Woz ihtiyoti z̃reng ki wuzes̃h sari niwizn en trẽ mis k̃hũ g̃has̃hes̃h vandem tẽ mask en, dastonaes̃h di’m, k̃hũ dhastes̃h wũzdũyem tẽ sobũn en, daftares̃ h ki rec̃hm a (office) dra’es̃h tẽ sanitizer en (office en yav-e dra likerk), ta’nesh k̃hũ dhast e wũzdũyũm. Ya dhastona kumdem ki istomol k̃hetu, yowes̃h sivand di’m. Ya g̃has̃hvẽndak (mask) be ce yowes̃h rost ki yi ror istimol carem (yarker wũz’mem) k̃he yanes̃h yo sivand carem. Woz, chizer ki dẽ t̃renes̃h /train (qator) rec̃hem. ̃he hadra’es̃h yow istimol carem. Da dafteressh tumeer darkor ne wost chizer ki dẽ daftarev khalgev-e ta’dod be kam k̃hetk. Spo wakhtev be badal k̃hetk, spo ror’vev be badal k̃hetk.dẽ yi wakhtes̃h dẽ daftar kam khalg mawjud wocen. K̃he hayem fosila’esh (dhirig̃hes̃h) cẽ k̃hanen,cẽ liman en trẽ dhir halak, haya ihtiyoti ghafch lozimi. Yũw k̃ũ dhast wũzdũyũk, k̃hũ g̃has̃h e vẽndak,k̃hũ mis e vẽndak, woz fosila )dhirig̃h) licern cẽ khalg’v en.ghayr zarũri tawer dẽ khalg’v s̃hik̃h ne rec̃hn,. Haymishtev ce bũnyodhi, ghafch bũnyodhi ihtiyoti qadamishtev kumdes̃h ki sak wuwuch k̃hak bas wezin.K̃he ihtiyoti ghafch lozim, chizer ki yemi rost ki infrodi (dẽ yi khalg en) nast.sakes̃h k̃hũ dẽstan rost ki ihtiyot ne caren, balki maz̃h ki k̃hater ki ihtiyhot, ker, yi jidha vũrũte, yi jidha k̃hũye, yi jidha jawone, ̃hater ihtiyot kert,yowes̃h t̃ok ya kamunit̃i (mũrdũm) ihtiyot-e mekanizm (muharikisht) tariqa’es̃h dra paydo wost.K̃he har khalges̃h ca’n mahfuz (nigah) wost. Mukamal (kũl) niga (mahfuz) ki ne be vite, yow-e ta’dod et yow-e sharah kumd ki tey, yow-e raftor ca bimorig̃h en, yowes̃h kam wost. Hask’es̃h qobũ k̃hak bas wezin.
Now, I’ve recovered but the precautioniary measures that are defined, I comply myself with those measures each day.and the precaution that I make is in such manner: before leaving out from home, I tie my mouth with the face mask, I put on the gloves, I wash my hands with soap, and when I reach office, there sentize my hands as the office arrangement has been made in this respect. The gloves I had used are trashed. The mask I use only for one day as I trabel by train to my office. The mask I therefore use during these times.It doesn’t require at office because the number of employees have been reduced at office and our timing of the duties has also been changed . Therefore in the office, there are less number of people. As it’s said to keep social distancing from each other, it’s so compulsory.otehr considerations are to wash one’s hand, to tie one’s mouth and nose, and keeping istance from each other. Not to go near or meet someone unnecessarily.These are the fundamental considerations and precautionary measures that we could accomplish. Precaution is therefore much important because it’s not only at indivieaul level. We don’t care only for ourselves but rather if I cared of myself,another brother and sister or a youth care of himself or herself, this would lead towards the entire community’s care as methods do emerge. Each individual thus become safe. If in case, they don’t recover fully, the ratio of death of humans we could lessen. We could thus get control over it.
Khub, mũmkin ki cem z̃hũ qisa en, z̃hũn ki chiz tajarba tey/wereg̃hn, hacem en mũkini ki kuyer chiz foyda wost. Woz z̃hũ du’oyi ki sashtev niga.
Well, I anticipate that within my talk, as acquired some experiences on the theme, some people may get benefit/lesson. I pray that you are safe.

Thanks to the Viral Language Project (VLP) for conceiving the ideas to initiate it in such a juncture of human history where the entire humanity has become not only so vulnerable in the face of the invisible and smallest being (the Coronavirus) but ratehr victimizing millions and killing hundres of thousands of people around the globe. Ultimately, VLP facilitated the human beings by providing correct information in the indigenous/native languages through the respective speakers. Not only, so, it also encouraged some of the coronavirus infected speakers to come up and boldly share their experiences with the fellow human beings. I’d therefore also like to pay my gratitude to Noor Muhammad Pamiri ,a Pakistani origin U.S. citizen, for sharig his Coronavirus experiences with his language community at a specific level and the all humans at broader scale. Thanks to Zubair Torwali for coordinating between the VLP and Noor Pamiri.

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